Fall Checklist

Fall is the beautiful season of colorful falling leaves, cooler temps, and family gatherings. This is also the season of the freeze warnings, and when critters look for warmer shelter. Athens Crawl Space Solutions has a few tips for taking care of the outside of your home to ensure the best holiday season ever!

  1. Check your covering-Yes, that means up the ladder to the roof! Inspect and replace shingles that are worn or missing. Also look for holes or any other damage that may make leaks or animal intrusion easier.
  2. Clean gutters and downspouts-That foliage is gorgeous…on the trees. In your gutter or downspout, leaves and debris are a disaster waiting to happen. Make sure to clear those immediately to allow water to flow freely away from your house and prevent nest-building from unwanted guests.
  3. Inspect your vents and ducts-Crawlspace vents should typically be open to help to keep humidity levels down. However, in the case of possible freezing temperatures, vents should be closed to reduce the chance of freezing pipes under your house.
  4. Stock up on helpful seasonal supplies-Make sure you have and can locate a flashlight, batteries, and a fire extinguisher. These items are useful to have any time of the year, but are often necessary during the colder months.

Be sure to let us know if you have some helpful tips or supplies that you use when the weather gets nippy.

Stay warm and happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

-ACSS Team